> 68 (enam puluh delapan),
besar – kecil.
# 68 (sixty-eight),
big – small.
> besar dan kecil.
# big and small.
> Gajah besar.
# The elephant is big.
> Tikus kecil.
# The mouse is small.
> gelap dan terang.
# dark and bright.
> Malam gelap.
# The night is dark.
> Siang terang.
# The day is bright.
> tua dan muda.
# old and young.
> Kakek kamu sudah sangat tua.
# Our grandfather is very old.
> 70 tahun yang lalu, dia masih muda.
# 70 years ago he was still young.
> cantik dan jelek.
# beautiful and ugly.
> Kupu-kupu itu cantik.
# The butterfly is beautiful.
> Laba-laba itu jelek.
# The spider is ugly.
> gemuk dan kurus.
# fat and thin.
> Seorang wanita seberat 100 kilo itu gemuk.
# A woman who weighs a hundred kilos is fat.
> Seorang pria seberat 50 kilo itu kurus.
# A man who weighs fifty kilos is thin.
> mahal dan murah.
# expensive and cheap.
> Mobil itu mahal.
# The car is expensive.
> Koran itu murah.
# The newspaper is cheap.
besar – kecil.
# 68 (sixty-eight),
big – small.
> besar dan kecil.
# big and small.
> Gajah besar.
# The elephant is big.
> Tikus kecil.
# The mouse is small.
> gelap dan terang.
# dark and bright.
> Malam gelap.
# The night is dark.
> Siang terang.
# The day is bright.
> tua dan muda.
# old and young.
> Kakek kamu sudah sangat tua.
# Our grandfather is very old.
> 70 tahun yang lalu, dia masih muda.
# 70 years ago he was still young.
> cantik dan jelek.
# beautiful and ugly.
> Kupu-kupu itu cantik.
# The butterfly is beautiful.
> Laba-laba itu jelek.
# The spider is ugly.
> gemuk dan kurus.
# fat and thin.
> Seorang wanita seberat 100 kilo itu gemuk.
# A woman who weighs a hundred kilos is fat.
> Seorang pria seberat 50 kilo itu kurus.
# A man who weighs fifty kilos is thin.
> mahal dan murah.
# expensive and cheap.
> Mobil itu mahal.
# The car is expensive.
> Koran itu murah.
# The newspaper is cheap.
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