> 17 (tujuh belas),
Di rumah.
# 17 (seventeen),
Around the house.
> Rumah kami berada disini.
# Our house is here.
> Di atas adalah atap.
# The roof is on top.
> Di bawah adalah ruang bawah tanah.
# The basement is below.
> Di belakang rumah ada sebuah taman.
# There is a garden behind the house.
> Di depan rumah tidak ada jalan.
# There is no street in front of the house.
> Di sebelah rumah ada pepohonan.
# There are trees next to the house.
> Inilah rumah saya.
# My apartment is here.
> Inilah dapur dan kamar mandi.
# The kitchen and bathroom are here.
> Di sana ada ruang tamu dan kamar tidur.
# The living room and bedroom are there.
> Pintu rumah tertutup.
# The front door is closed.
> Tapi jendelanya terbuka.
# But the windows are open.
> Hari ini panas.
# It is hot today.
> Kami masuk ke ruang tamu.
# We are going to the living room.
> Disana ada sofa dan kursi tamu.
# There is a sofa and an armchair there.
> Silakan duduk!.
# Please, sit down!.
> Disana ada komputer saya.
# My computer is there.
> Disana ada perangkat stereo saya.
# My stereo is there.
> Televisinya masih sangat baru.
# The TV set is brand new.
Di rumah.
# 17 (seventeen),
Around the house.
> Rumah kami berada disini.
# Our house is here.
> Di atas adalah atap.
# The roof is on top.
> Di bawah adalah ruang bawah tanah.
# The basement is below.
> Di belakang rumah ada sebuah taman.
# There is a garden behind the house.
> Di depan rumah tidak ada jalan.
# There is no street in front of the house.
> Di sebelah rumah ada pepohonan.
# There are trees next to the house.
> Inilah rumah saya.
# My apartment is here.
> Inilah dapur dan kamar mandi.
# The kitchen and bathroom are here.
> Di sana ada ruang tamu dan kamar tidur.
# The living room and bedroom are there.
> Pintu rumah tertutup.
# The front door is closed.
> Tapi jendelanya terbuka.
# But the windows are open.
> Hari ini panas.
# It is hot today.
> Kami masuk ke ruang tamu.
# We are going to the living room.
> Disana ada sofa dan kursi tamu.
# There is a sofa and an armchair there.
> Silakan duduk!.
# Please, sit down!.
> Disana ada komputer saya.
# My computer is there.
> Disana ada perangkat stereo saya.
# My stereo is there.
> Televisinya masih sangat baru.
# The TV set is brand new.
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