Sabtu, 07 Februari 2015

Indonesia - Inggris - 099

Indonesia - Inggris - 099

> 99 (sembilan puluh sembilan),
# 99 (ninety-nine),

> kucingnya teman wanita saya.
# my girlfriend's cat.
> anjingnya teman laki-laki saya.
# my boyfriend's dog.
> mainan anak-anak saya.
# my children's toys.
> Ini mantelnya kolega saya.
# This is my colleague's overcoat.
> Ini mobilnya kolega wanita saya.
# That is my colleague's car.
> Ini pekerjaan para kolega saya.
# That is my colleagues' work.
> Kancing kemeja yang copot.
# The button from the shirt is gone.
> Kunci garasinya hilang.
# The garage key is gone.
> Komputer bos rusak.
# The boss' computer is not working.
> Siapa orang tua dari anak perempuan ini?.
# Who are the girl's parents?.
> Bagaimana saya datang ke rumah orang tua Anda?.
# How do I get to her parents' house?.
> Rumahnya terletak di akhir jalan.
# The house is at the end of the road.
> Apa nama ibukota Swiss?.
# What is the name of the capital city of Switzerland?.
> Apa judul buku itu?.
# What is the title of the book?.
> Siapa nama anak-anak tetangga?.
# What are the names of the neighbour's / neighbor's (am.) children?.
> Kapan anak-anak liburan sekolah?.
# When are the children's holidays?.
> Kapan jam praktek dokter?.
# What are the doctor's consultation times?.
> Kapan jam buka museum?.
# What time is the museum open?.

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