Sabtu, 07 Februari 2015

Indonesia - Inggris - 087

Indonesia - Inggris - 087

> 87 (delapan puluh tujuh),
   Masa lampau verba modal 1 .
# 87 (eighty-seven),
   Past tense of modal verbs 1 .

> Kami harus menyiram bunga.
# We had to water the flowers.
> Kami harus membereskan rumah.
# We had to clean the apartment.
> Kami harus mencuci piring.
# We had to wash the dishes.
> Haruskah kalian membayar tagihan?.
# Did you have to pay the bill?.
> Haruskah kalian membayar biaya masuk?.
# Did you have to pay an entrance fee?.
> Haruskah kalian membayar denda?.
# Did you have to pay a fine?.
> Siapa yang harus pamit?.
# Who had to say goodbye?.
> Siapa yang harus pulang lebih awal ke rumah?.
# Who had to go home early?
> Siapa yang harus naik kereta?.
# Who had to take the train?.
> Kami tidak ingin tinggal lama.
# We did not want to stay long.
> Kami tidak ingin minum.
# We did not want to drink anything.
> Kami tidak ingin mengganggu.
# We did not want to disturb you.
> Saya memang ingin menelpon tadi.
# I just wanted to make a call.
> Saya ingin memesan taksi.
# I just wanted to call a taxi.
> Saya ingin pulang ke rumah.
# Actually I wanted to drive home.
> Saya pikir kamu ingin menelpon istrimu.
# I thought you wanted to call your wife.
> Saya pikir kamu ingin menelpon bagian informasi.
# I thought you wanted to call information.
> Saya pikir kamu ingin memesan pizza.
# I thought you wanted to order a pizza.

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