Sabtu, 07 Februari 2015

Indonesia - Inggris - 072

Indonesia - Inggris - 072

> 72 (tujuh puluh dua),
# 72 (seventy-two),
   to have to do something / must.

> harus.
# must.
> Saya harus mengirim surat.
# I must post the letter.
> Saya harus membayar hotel.
# I must pay the hotel.
> Kamu harus bangun pagi.
# You must get up early.
> Kamu harus banyak bekerja.
# You must work a lot.
> Kamu harus tepat waktu.
# You must be punctual.
> Dia harus mengisi bensin.
# He must fuel / get petrol / get gas (am.).
> Dia harus memperbaiki mobil.
# He must repair the car.
> Dia harus mencuci mobil.
# He must wash the car.
> Dia harus berbelanja.
# She must shop.
> Dia harus membersihkan rumah.
# She must clean the apartment.
> Dia harus mencuci pakaian.
# She must wash the clothes.
> Kami harus segera berangkat sekolah.
# We must go to school at once.
> Kami harus segera berangkat bekerja.
# We must go to work at once.
> Kami harus segera ke dokter.
# We must go to the doctor at once.
> Kalian harus menunggu bis.
# You must wait for the bus.
> Kalian harus menunggu kereta.
# You must wait for the train.
> Kalian harus menunggu taksi.
# You must wait for the taxi.

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