Sabtu, 07 Februari 2015

Indonesia - Inggris - 043

Indonesia - Inggris - 043

> 43 (empat puluh tiga),
   Di kebun binatang.
# 43 (forty-three),
   At the zoo.

> Di sana ada kebun binatang.
# The zoo is there.
> Di sana ada jerapah.
# The giraffes are there.
> Dimana ada beruang?.
# Where are the bears?.
> Dimana ada gajah?.
# Where are the elephants?.
> Dimana ada ular?.
# Where are the snakes?.
> Dimana ada singa?.
# Where are the lions?.
> Saya punya peralatan untuk memotret.
# I have a camera.
> Saya juga punya sebuah kamera film.
# I also have a video camera.
> Dimana baterainya?.
# Where can I find a battery?.
> Dimana ada pinguin?.
# Where are the penguins?.
> Dimana ada kangguru?.
# Where are the kangaroos?.
> Dimana ada badak?.
# Where are the rhinos?.
> Dimana ada kamar kecil?.
# Where is the toilet / restroom (am.)?.
> Di sana ada kafetaria.
# There is a cafe over there.
> Di sana ada restoran.
# There is a restaurant over there.
> Dimana ada unta?.
# Where are the camels?.
> Dimana ada gorila dan kuda zebra?.
# Where are the gorillas and the zebras?.
> Dimana ada harimau dan buaya?.
# Where are the tigers and the crocodiles?.

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